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Courses & More | Courses in English

Foto eines schwangeren Bauches mit Blümchen

This evening will give you an overview about the changes during pregnancy and we focus on the birth – when and how it could start, different stages of labour, possibilities to support a physiological birth, positions during birth, etc.

for free, donations are welcome

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schlafendes Baby im Fellsack

The time after the birth – postpartum time – is a time for rest and recovery from birth, as well as the start of your relationship with your baby and start of the milk production and nursing.

for free, donations are welcome

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Frau hält ihre Hände auf ihren schwangeren Bauch

All courses contain valuable information, exercises that can support you during labour and delivery and provide a forum to ask questions and exchange with other couples.

€ 180,- per couple (for members: € 162,-)

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Bild von Hebamme mit Hörrohr an Bauch von schwangeren Frau

Since 2011 the Hebammenzentrum offers free pregnancy care through midwives, called “Pilotinnenprogramm”. This program is made possible and funded through a private trust.

for free, donations are welcome 

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Hebamme, Mutter und Baby bei einer Beratung

The Hebammenzentrum offers free appointments with a midwife. Everyone, planning on having children, in expectation of a baby or parents in the first year, can get counselling. In these appointments we can discuss your relevant questions and worries!

for free, donations are welcome

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Grafik eines Mutter-Kind-Passes

As part of the “Mutter-Kind-Pass” you have, between the 18th and the 22nd week, the option of a free appointment with a midwife (“Hebammenberatung”).

for free (or refunded by insurance company)

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Grafik von zwei einander zugewandten Frauen (Schwangere und Beratende)

Our social workers will advise you on legal and social issues relating to maternity protection, maternity allowance, parental leave, childcare allowance, benefits, minimum income...

for free, donations are welcome

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