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Additional services | PIP - pilot program

Free Midwife care during the pregnancy

The Hebammenzentrum offers since 2011 free pregnancy care through midwives, called “Pilotinnenprogramm”. This program is made possible and funded through a private trust.

This program contains:

  • Up to 4 appointments with (the same) midwife during the pregnancy. (If you are living in Vienna, it is possible that the midwife comes home to you for 1 or 2 of those appointments)
  • 1 or 2 appointments after the birth to talk about birth and life with a newborn


The Midwife ...

  • Asks about your health status
  • Gives information about pregnancy, birth, the time when the baby is here, breastfeeding, etc.
  • Make regular screenings, like urine test, blood pressure, etc.
  • Palpates the belly, feels how the baby is lying, checks the baby`s heart rate
  • Has time for all your bigger and smaller questions, worries or fears
  • Has also time for the father-to-be and older siblings

The first appointment is longer and include an overview for the both of you. If needed to select, we give preference to women/families who are in need of further support (socially, medical, psychological) or who can`t afford a private midwife care.

Women, who are planning on a home birth or have a private midwife accompanying them to birth in hospital, can not participate in this program. Furthermore, does this program not include any assistance during birth it self or midwife-led-care after birth at home. Although to organise a midwife for home visits after birth is highly recommended!

Bild von Hebamme und Mann mit Hörrohr an Bauch von schwangerer Frau

...to have an alternative contact person to the doctor, to discuss the pregnancy as a whole - not just the physical aspect.

I took a more relaxed approach to the birth and didn't have such a stubborn idea of what it should be like.

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